
Tuesday 24 January 2017

MARA epi 26

Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know he holds my hands
He sang sonorously as his tears fell to the ground
My heart got swollen within me and I almost wished I had some powers to calm his fears
“What’s your name?” I asked and he stopped playing the keyboard
“I am Jabez Maradene” he said and my eyes widened

Isn’t that Mara?
Those two names, I had never heard anyone being called by them ever!
“Why?” I asked and I realized that I might have asked a very ridiculous question
He smiled ruefully
“I was born in affluence as the only child of my parents.” He explained on and I nodded
He looked really affluent.
Fresh body
Fresh hair style
Fresh spoken English
Fresh everything!
“My dad was the only child of his parents. Both parents of his were also only children” he said and I was speechless
Partial barrenness!
That was the name I gave to such!
“Same thing with my mum.” He said and it really killed it all.
“Wow!” I spat out
He gave me a ‘You have not heard anything look’
I listened
“I had achieved a lot of feat all my days on earth. At 8, I won the America’s got talent show and it was a really great wonderment” he said
“I was called Daniel Williams then” he said.
So what made him change his name?
Daniel and Williams are very great combinations of names
“I am a Pilot. I studied Aeronautics in the university and it’s been great until last year” he breathed heavily as tears rolled down his face
I felt like holding him in a very warm embrace but how could I hold someone else’s husband close to my chest?
I felt weird about the slightest thought of that.
But what could have happened over the year?
What could have made him to go blind suddenly?
“But you must understand the braille well?” I asked and he shook his head
“How?” he burst out crying, holding firm the keyboard stand
“I became blind last year…late last year!” he added and I shook my head in grief
“What happened?”
He explained how his wealthy father was assassinated and as they mourned his death, his mother was killed in chemical air pollution in their home a week later. His mother had died protecting him.
Tears ran down his face uncontrollably
“She bent over me, covering my nose with a wet cloth so I could still breathe while she inhaled the murderous substance” he said in a shaky voice
Did he know Jesus then?
“Yes we were saved. We all trusted and believed Jesus but we must have been careless that we didn’t notice that there had been an intrusion of a devil incarnate. It would be the handiwork of a close acquaintance who seeks to inherit my father’s estate. I am sure of that” he said further
I wondered how he got the sight loss then
“I lost my sight…”
How comes this guy knows and answers every questions in my heart that I hadn’t even asked for?
“That was the gift God gave me immediately I realized that I was blind. The gift of revelation” he said again and I was amazed
“So as I was saying, before my mum covered my face with the wet cloth, I had inhaled some of the substance. So, in the process of covering my eyes with a wet cloth, I exhaled the chemicals and I choked, my eyes watered and I was there for like 45 minutes before my mother’s hands slipped off me and she gave up the ghost” he cried as he completed the story.
I had started crying too
What motherly love!
I couldn’t hold it again as his story sunk in my skull.
I went close to him and gave him a very large hug.
He held me tightly as if I shouldn’t go again and we wept together
Many questions ran through my mind.
We were just so the same.
We had lots of similarities
But who named him Mara?
How did he get back to Nigeria?
“I didn’t see her face. I didn’t see her face. Before she died” he lamented
“Awwwww” I uttered silently as my face hugged his, feeling his thumping, hot head against mine
“As I noticed that she had slumped, I removed the clothes to check her and then I felt it against my skin- her very cold and stiff body. As I groped in the darkness of my misfortune, someone covered my face with a towel and dragged me away while I screamed and fought for my life. I thought I was going to die but I woke up to find myself at the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja, still blind” he narrated on, still in my embrace.
Which is worse- mine or his?
“A man told me that he was going to Nasarawa and asked for my destination and I quickly said that where was I going to Nasarawa too. He gave me a lift to Nasarawa and I alighted. I found help to the nearest church and that was how I found myself here two days ago. I had been praying since then” he said and I heaved a loud sigh before we disengaged from the hug
But how did he possibly get that name?
“Jabez Maradene was the name on the passport with which I travelled back to Nigeria. It was a really planned job by whoever did it and ….” He covered his face.
“And you have come to accept the name? Is that it?” I asked again
“I have just come to accept reality. But God has consoled me though. He told me that someone who could relate with my problems would come to me and that from her, I would rise again.” He said and I paused
“And that person is me?” I asked
“Yes. He said I would became even greater than I have ever been” he said and I looked away in doubt
He must have heard God wrongly.
Even I need help
Exactly what is he saying now?
What is this?
My b-----s became fuller, very heavy and I quickly held them in pain
My hands became wet.
I looked at my blouse and it was soaked
Don’t remind me of my pains oh Lord
“Madam Glory!” I heard a familiar voice call from outside
My doctor!
Then I had the ‘wien wien wien’ sound
“A baby?” I asked suddenly, pulling at Daniel’s hands
Daniel smiled as he looked at me as if he could see me
“Let’s go home with our baby mum” he said and I withdrew from him quickly
He knew about this too?
I looked towards the door and there was my doctor smiling graciously with her pastor behind her with a baby wrapped in a shawl in his arms.
My heart leapt for joy
I placed that aside as I faced the budding issue at hand.
But how do I house a fully grown man in my house?
How do we get food and all?
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