
Monday 23 January 2017

MARA epi 25

My back ached badly as my tummy thumped in pain.
I fell to the ground, holding my tummy in anguish
But I could not lose sight of this weird guy staring at the ground as if he could not see a woman fall right in front of him.

Yet he called me mummy!
Was I really going to die?
Was this a post-delivery trauma?
The guy smiled
I was shocked!
Like, a person could still smile at another’s calamity and pain?
At this moment?…oh No!
The most annoying part was that the guy hadn’t even looked at me since over an hour that I had been staring at him.
“You aren’t gonna die” he said in a distinctive way and I looked at him intently
“What!” I exclaimed
Could he read minds?
How did he probably get what was on my mind precisely?
He smiled again as if he knew exactly what was on my mind.
“Do you read minds? Like, you are an astrologer or astronomer or something?” I was forced to ask and he not only smiled, he burst out laughing
“Oh mummy…!” he exclaimed and I was amazed
He wasn’t looking into my face
Or was it a dream?
Was this person just an angel conversing with me in a dream?
I had to pinch my cheek in a bid to reassure myself before I was convinced that it was real.
“Who are you?” I asked loudly, my heart racing fiercely.
He didn’t answer
He fumbled with his hands and I became charged to talk the more.
Who is this man?
“Why are you not looking at me? Why are you talking to me with your face down?
Why?” I asked, almost angrily
This man had made me to stress myself beyond the limit.
But…just realizing…
My bleeding had stopped!
I checked myself up and started jumping hysterically.
He grinned loudly and clapped his hands.
But he wasn’t looking at me.
I stopped jumping and looked at him
He was absurd
“Look at me for once mister man!” I shouted at him and he shrugged
“Why? Why do you want me to look into your face? Why?” he asked on
Was his face shaking?
“Isn’t it weird that one would be talking to someone and he doesn’t care to maintain eye contact? Isn’t it?” I asked and checked if he would change his mind and look at me but he didn’t.
I continued
“It is even wrong that someone obviously younger than me would not obey a simple request of ‘look at me!’ is it a big deal?”
“No it’s not” he said, he sniffed wetly
Was he crying?
“When I look at you, what would I see?” he asked and I was amazed
Was that supposed to be a question?
“You would see me! Isn’t that supposed to be something?” I was almost screaming
I was going crazy
“No. I would see darkness…stark darkness I mean” he blurted out and I was taken aback
The darkness howling over me was that visible?
Oh my God!
“Not that you are darkness yourself” he said and I sighed
So what?
“When I bend over a piano, I see light…only light. Not even the black and white keys…I see light! That is why I prefer to be bent and glare at the light.”
What a weirdo!
Or did he have an undisclosed spiritual illness?
“But when you look up, you see darkness?” I asked and he nodded
“Stark darkness!” he emphasized
“Why?” I inquired the more
He looked up at me and I looked intently at his face
Good eyes…
Nice lips
“You look really good. You are handsome” I exclaimed and he smiled handsomely
“Thank you mum” he said as he blinked over and over again
So, what’s the problem?
“But I can’t see.” He announced loudly and I frowned a bit
I didn’t understand at all…
“I am blind!” he said slowly as tears ran down his face
He smiled and bent over the piano and started playing “I know who holds tomorrow” rhythmically
My heart leaped and almost jumped out of its cage
He is blind?
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