
Monday 23 January 2017

MARA epi 19

“These are the clothes I bought for you. They are maternity gowns for you.” He said and I was alarmed
Nightgowns for me!
“You are shocked?” he asked and I nodded so vigorously.

He smiled
“That was how it was meant to be before the devil came, planted the tares among the wheat and went on his way” he said again and I was awestruck
With the little I knew about the bible, I knew that that was quoted from the Word of God and I was really awestruck
That change was so fast.
As he brought the clothes out, I looked on and observed
“But why are they all white?” I asked
He looked dumbfounded
“Because the baby is holy of course” he stammered
I smiled
I thought deep down that I was making him uncomfortable with my questions and comments
“Thanks so much dear” I said as I stretched my hands to collect the clothes with my right hand
He shook his hand
“Use your left hand” he insisted
I looked into his face and he widened his eyes
A cold shiver ran down my spine.
I obeyed
The material was cotton and despite how poor I was then, I really did struggle to buy silk as I react often time to cotton.
He knew this well and why he would buy this material when he knew my condition got me a bit angry.
“That was what I could afford. I am sorry. I know you don’t wear cotton” he said and I nodded
“Thanks” I said as I put the clothes down.
“Wear them” he said and I looked at him strangely
He nodded again and I picked up the clothes
“All of them?” I asked and he nodded
“Why?” I asked and he looked at me sternly.
“You ask too many questions. Its all for your good” he said, almost angrily
“I am sorry if what I said made you angry. Forgive me” I said and he smiled
“Wear them first” he insisted, raising his voice a bit
“ok” I said and I wore the three white gowns
I didn’t want to make him angry
I felt that it was absurd but I obeyed him anyway
…as if I was being controlled.
“Good girl!” he said, smiling and patting my back
I smiled sheepishly too.
“There is something I need to intimate you about now.” he said seriously
“What?” I asked seriously too
“I made a pledge to the Lord when I became born again and we have to fulfill the pledge because then and then only would our glorious dreams come true” he said and I watched on
“Ok. What pledge?” I asked and he interlocked his fingers
“I promised to give the placenta of our baby to the Lord” he said and my eyes widened
“Placenta?” I asked
I was alarmed.
“Yes…the pastor asked for it” he said
Something was not right!
I just felt something fishy!
Exactly what was wrong?
Why couldn’t I think of my own volition again?
Was I being manipulated or something?
There was a battle within me and there and then I looked at him and gave a warm smile
“If it’s a pledge to the Lord, then, so be it! The Lord gives and he takes” I said and he smiled
Just then, there was a bang at the door.
“Noooo…that’s a lie! Never give your consent to such” I heard the voice of my doctor outside the door.
She had been eavesdropping?
Why was she screaming that way?
What was so bad about giving to the Lord?
Didn’t she know about pledges and redemption of pledges?
I didn’t know when I screamed but the pastor was not surprised when I did.
…at least he didn’t look surprised
“Pastor, is this woman under a spell?” I asked loudly.
I didn’t care anymore about anything
Was it a movie or something?
What was wrong?
I had only heard about it happening in the imaginary life but in reality, relaying in my very ears?
It felt really bizarre!
I kept on banging the door and the pastor shook his head as he watched on.
“The door is locked” he said and my eyes widened
“What!” I exclaimed
He nodded
“And you just endangered her life” he said and I held my chest in numbness
“How?” I asked, panting heavily for breath.
He smiled painfully
“The battle line is drawn.” He said and I looked on as the pastor placed his ears close to the door.
I did likewise
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