
Monday 23 January 2017

MARA epi 18

“I have forgiven you Adejare.” I said quietly as I raised his face so that our teary eyes would meet, his eyes caused something like an emotional earthquake on the foundation of my hart and I just wished I could be held in those varicose vein-filled arms.
“Thank you so much. Thank you.” He said again and I stood to help him up.
As he sat on the bed, he pulled him unto his laps again and gave me a very sizzling embrace
He placed his hands on my tummy and I felt a tingling in my tummy.
I grimaced

He looked into my face with all seriousness.
“Is anything the matter?” he asked and I smiled
“Touch my tummy again” I said and he did
I felt something sharper- like an electric current run through my veins.
“Anything?” he asked again
My baby kicked and I gasped
“It’s the baby. He’s probably happy that you are back home” I said and he helped me back to the bed gently
He pulled the blouse I was wearing up a bit and rubbed the smooth tummy with his coarse hand.
The tingling I felt was profound
I enjoyed it!
But the kicking in my tummy increased with every added touch.
He bent to peck my tummy and when the warm breath from his mouth came in contact with my navel, the kicking stopped abruptly.
I was dazed.
“You are controlling our baby o” I said in awe and he smiled
“Why?” he asked
“You touched me and the kicking started…you touched me more and the kicking became intense. You breathed into my navel now the kicking stopped abruptly. It’s so funny” I said, really astonished
“Even the unborn baby recognizes the father” he said
“Oh yes!” I exclaimed and we laughed over it.
“I remember the good old times.” He said
“Hmmmm” I could only say as I nodded with appreciation to God.
I remembered my bare pregnancy when things were a little bit better although it was still hot.
He would play with my bare tummy for hours, rubbing, pecking, and playing with it and even checking for the movements of the babies
“I wonder what went wrong” he said as he held my hands
“Hmmmm…I just feel that this isn’t real” I said and he looked startled
“That’s how you feel?” He asked, looking very grim
I nodded, still smiling.
He reached into a polythene bag and brought out an apple.
“Take this” he said and I collected it
That was the first time in how many years that this husband of mine would get me a gift and I was happy.
Though it was just an apple
“Eat the apple” he said hurriedly and I looked into his face
“What is the matter?” I asked when I saw the anxiety in his face.
His face loosened and he smiled
“Nothing. I just remembered that I bought you the apple. I hope it isn’t spoilt yet” he said and shook my head as I bit into the fruit.
Apples don’t get bad that easily…he must have forgotten.
If not, why was he looking that serious and anxious?
Just because he didn’t want me to eat bad apples?
Just that?
He smiled at me again as I chewed.
I felt special!
“For in Jesus’ name have we giving thanks to the Father” Pastor said quietly
“Amen” we all responded
“Let’s come together please” he said as he stretched his hands towards on.
Still on our knees, we held hands with the pastor.
…and waited for the next line of action.
“We really need to pray. What did I say?” he asked, gently
“We really need to pray” we responded in a chorus.
I was greatly charged that if I possibly saw the devil at that point, I would have given him a lethal back-hand!
“The next thing to do now is to start pleading for the blood of Jesus. We overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. Cover every nooks and crannies of this house with the blood of Jesus. Let us pray” he said and we started in our own little way
I opened my eyes halfway and saw the children praying in their own funny little ways, nodding like agama lizards and some looking up to the ceiling as if that was where the blood of Jesus was.
I looked at the pastor and although he was praying silently with his mouth moving in silent whispers, his clothes were soaked in perspiration.
He must have seen something
He must have smelt a rat!
I closed my eyes too and started pleading for the precious blood that alone could atone for us.
I looked into his face and I loved him the more.
He came close again and I could smell it- the sweat!
…The sweat of laboring under the sun for hours- I couldn’t but feel it and I was moved as my heart hankered for him the more.
I placed my head on his shoulders and he rubbed the side of my face.
“Sorry about the loss of our daughter” he said and I nodded
I hadn’t gotten over the death of my first born twin and I had wept and wept to no avail.
I knew when the doctor with some men came inside to wheel her away.
I watched everything through the small key hole the day before and I had cried crazily.
I refused to go out to bath or anything though!
His coming at this time was definitely consoling…I must confess!
“I heard the news and I knew how bad it must have felt for you the mother when I was even thoroughly shaken” he said and I nodded still
I didn’t want to talk about it at all!
“It is well” I said and he rubbed the side of his face against mine.
“Of course it is” he said.
He touched my tummy again
“Is our baby a boy or a girl?” he asked
I smiled
“Or twins again” I said playfully and he shook his head
“Nooooo” he exclaimed and we laughed
“I don’t know the s-x yet.” I said and he looked into my face
“Why?” he asked and I faced him squarely.
“Maigida, ba kudi fa” I said in Hausa for emphasis and he smiled.
“You will do it. I will give you the money” he said and looked into his face, very astonished
“Are you for real?” I asked to be sure
“Sure dearie. Things are changing… the better times are here”
I believed so well that my heart got swollen within me.
“I went to a church on Sunday” he said and I opened my mouth in amazement
That was like the biggest lie I had ever heard
“Church? You?” I asked to be sure
He smiled
“There is nothing God cannot do. He can change the vilest offender who could only believe.” He said smoothly
My mouth curved into a broad smile
“I can’t believe you” I said and he squeezed my hands
“But it’s true” he said again
How could I possibly believe that my very weird alcoholic womanizing husband would turn a new leaf and go to church to the extent that he had changed this much?
How on earth would I believe that?
But it must be true!
The born again relationship between us now is the proof!
“Praise the Lord” I said loud and clear
“Halleluyah” he replied
“I think its high time I retraced my steps back to my God too then” I said and he nodded
He didn’t say anything but smiled in a very weird way.
“The pastor told me that our unborn baby is so glorious” he said
“You told him I was pregnant?”
“Yes I did. He told me that you aborting the pregnancy would have been the greatest mistake anyone would make as the glory of the baby is just too great” he explained on and on as he fumbled with his hands.
I was just so happy deep down.
My husband had met the redeemer for real!
“Glory to God” I said again.
“Amen” the pastor said again.
“Amen” we chorused.
“Shall we open our eyes please?” he said and we did.
Four of the children were already asleep and Taiwo was already dozing too.
“Girl, lie down beside your siblings and sleep” he said and Taiwo gladly did as if that was all she had been waiting for ever since.
“Sister Flora, we have to rise up now. we are on the battle ground and we have to put on the whole armor of God” he said
Shaking my head, my hands and all my body in totality, I nodded continuously
“Oh yes” I said
“I wish God could open your eyes of understanding and that you would see what I am seeing right now” he said again
“Hmmm…my God!” I exclaimed, my eyes fixed on him solely.
“Oh Lord! Please clothe and equip us with your whole armor as we can not fight by our own might. Please, help us Lord” he prayed
“Amen” I replied
“Let’s move towards the door so that you would get a glimpse of what is going on” he said again
He led the way as if he had been living in that house for a long time.
He knelt at the entrance of the room and I did too.
I tried to hear but I couldn’t hear
“I can’t hear anything” I said and for real, I could hear nothing at all
“Listen with a fixed concentration. You will” he said and I closed my eyes, fixing my ears.
I heard some voices!
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