
Sunday 5 November 2017

Blood for Blood!!!!!! season 1 epi 14

What was this girl thinking”,i thought as I insisted,pointing the gun at her face as she started unbuttoning her overall,she wore a black lacy bra and
matching panties,she was busty and curvy in all the right places.As soon as she had removed the overall(crying deeply now),i removed the patient tug I was wearing leaving me in my boxers and socks..she covered her face with her palms as she I approached.I tore the overall from her hands as I wore it and made to leave the room,i looked back at her and the expression on her face was clearly showing that she was dumbfounded,”what’s your name?”,i asked “Alice”,she replied,”Am so sorry we couldn’t meet under better circumstances but I assure you no harm will come to you,now wipe those tears”,I said in the most gentlemanly voice I could muster…I knew she wouldn’t follow me out of the room because of her nudity so I left hurriedly in the process of which I heard her mutter a thank you but gratitude was the last thing on my mind..Getting to the cart she was pushing,a smile played on my lips,there before me was a full,sealed sachet of epinephrine among other drugs…I grabbed it immediately,tore it and swallowed five tablets and started pushing the cart heading for the stairwell.By the time I had reached the stairwell,the epinephrine had kicked in fully and the smile on my face got wider.There were three guards at the stairwell,leaving the cart,i walked briskly towards them and before they could recognise me,i pulled out the pistol,”piuu…..piuu…..piuuuu”,i shot as the gun spat bullets at the stunned guards..they all fell to the ground as nurses and patients who had walked into the corridor rushed back to their rooms.I pulled them out of the way,opened the stairwell and descended the stairs.As soon as I was down the stairs,i saw five guards hurrying towards the stairwell.s--t!!! I ran towards them and opened the door nearest to me,locking it behind me..”get him”i could hear a voice screaming….I had been spotted so I needed to act really fast……

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