
Sunday 5 November 2017

Blood for Blood!!!!!! season 1 epi 12

As soon as they finished their discussion,they went out and I heard the superior bark again,”tell Aliyu to leave
that food and guard this door quickly”,i smiled to myself,eating and standing shortly after means he would have a lot of fatigue to deal with,hence,he would be easy to take down,i knew that too well……After the heavy thudding of their boots had faded down the corridor.I cracked open my eyes,just in case there was anybody left in the room.After sweeping the room visually and was satisfied with the emptiness of the room.I threw the soft linen off my body,folded it neatly in three layers.I had noticed a first aid box beside my window which was hanged neatly….The window was very close to the bed so I could reach it without standing….As I stretched my hands to detach it,i looked through the window and saw several army vehicles leaving probably conveying the guys that had just conversed in my room while several others stayed behind.I had been right after all,these men belonged to the military..My escape from here was going to be a tough nut to crack!!…….Having noted that,i skimmed off the bed with a groan and noticed my scar covered body…..hmmm!!!!these people really dealt with me.standing beside my bed,i opened the first aid kit and something struck me immediately,there was a cannister labelled chlorine gas in the kit…”what the hell was a chlorine gas cannister doing in a first aid kit”But I really didn’t need to know as far as it would help me out of here.Removing the cannister,i re-attached the first aid kit,tip-toed to the door and peeping through the key hole I could see the guard lamenting on his continuous guarding duties.I made a brief calculation in my head,scanned the room once more with my eyes.All I needed was five minutes to bring down this guard,the quicker the better!!!.I walked over to the bed,picked up the neatly folded bedspread and the chlorine gas cannister and walked back to the door,it was now or never!!….summoning all my strength,i kicked the trolley beside me containing metal medical instruments…it landed on the ground with a loud clatter……As I had expected,the tall guard opened the door and rushed into the room with his gun in his outstretched arms,i stuck out a foot on which he tripped and fell losing his gun in the process.He had fallen on his face and wasting no time,i had rushed to him pinning him down with my knee on his spinal column,i used the bed linen to cover his face and pull backward…..”phooooo”I sprayed the contents of the gas cannister on his linen covered face as I held my breath.He struggled violently but I was up to the task.It had taken five minutes to get rid of the guard exactly as I had calculated…..Walking over to the window once more,i noticed I was on the fifth floor of the hospital complex….leaning down,i picked up the dead guards gun….It was too late to turn back now*******

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