
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Confessions Of A Rough, RuggedAnd Raw 9ja Guy epi 7

I positioned myself in a way he could see my fist set and ready, am sure i would have fought him if he had made the move, my James Bond Dad just walked back into the house quiely, i had given him more than he
expected that night, my Uncle was quiet as well, i still stood where i was, my mum came to me and draged me by the hand, we entered the house straight to my room, she asked me what was wrong with me, lashed at me and left my room angrily. I had one goal, ”this place sucks, nah school sure pass” i said to myself. After i had calmed down, i thought about my new performance that night, i knew i really went out of line, i went searching for him in the rooms and apologised, he was quiet, didnt say a word to me, but the deed had been done, as i went back to my room, i started thinking about how my other family members ll feel when they hear about it ” my cousins, Aunties, other Uncles ”, the kind of person they would see me as, cos i had broken a family record and made history in a bad way.
Weeks later i got my things together,i was set to go back to School, Abraka here i come again. In my 100 level, i stayed with some of my cousins, two girls both in 300level,” Juliet and Mary”, they stayed in a room self-con around grammer school area after campus 2, Angels lodge. I was the easy going type so making friends was’nt hard. After a semester i became conversant with the people around, i knew who was a cultist and who wasnt. ”na Abk so no be new thing”. 
I was a good pianist, i could play anything circular music on the piano but wasnt familiar with interpreting a staff, but the circular thing gave me a distinction amongst others in my department, meaning i had an hedge, so it made me friends from 400 down to my level, both guys n girls, but i still had to learn the staff thing, if not my passing the Grand Piano course wont be a sure thing. 
I had this friend i had just met in my level, Raphael by name, he knew perfectly well how to read the staff even before he got his admission, same way i have been playing circular in church before i was admitted too. We struck a deal, he teaches me staff and i teach him circular. We made an arrangement to practice all night in school. ”we call it ”Awoko”. For music students then, we did our rehearsals at campus 2, but attended our lectures at campus 3 in Ekrejeta. 
That faithful night, i tried calling Raphael but it wasnt going through, i knew his house, so i decided to go there, it was 9.45 already, my house wasnt far from campus two, his house was at the bush end of my area, i gathered all i needed and took the risk of checking him at home. I took a short cut, a bush path, not knowing what was waiting ahead for me, my heart kept beating as i was alone in the dark, before i knew it, i had run into a midst of like 20 guys all in black and black, with something like a red ribbon tied to their heads, i took a step with the attempt to run, i clearly heard the cockkk of a gun ” If u move ” said a voice loudly from the dark.

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