
Monday 23 January 2017

MARA epi 17

There was a knock at the door.
“Oh! Who wants to spoil the show for me o” I mumbled as I jumped towards the door.
The children watched me as I behaved weirdly.
“Who is there?” I whispered

“It’s me” I heard the whisper from outside too
Who could that be?
I opened the door slowly and peeped through the slim slit.
I saw that broad face with a great smile.
I opened the door as a great relief dawned on me.
“Good afternoon sir” I genuflected.
He touched my shoulder briefly as he entered.
“Thank God you are here sir.” I was saying when he covered my mouth with his curved palm.
“I had to come. I arrived this morning and God said ‘go’…and here I am” he said silently, smiling
I was so glad as if I had found a long lost treasure.
We sat down and he bowed his head, mumbling words of prayer.
I rubbed my hands together anxiously as I could read that something great was going to happen in the house.
Power will confront power and power would pass power today!
He looked up and faced the children.
“Come” he said and they moved to him obediently.
He sat them on his knees and mumbled words of prayers.
I shook my head in ‘amen’ of whatever it was that he was saying.
I was just so sure that it couldn’t be curses
I trust my pastor.
He had been tried and tested.
Afterwards, he told all of us to go on our knees and we obeyed promptly.
“Just thank God because victory is His alone. Just say it anyhow in your own words” he said and I got ready so firmly and he smiled
“Pray well…but silently!” he added and we started the war.
As much as I wanted to get the whole gist of whatever was going on in the room, I was ready to obey the leading of this man of God.
Seeing my husband again after a long time set my tummy of fire.
There were like a billion butterflies in my belly as I set my eyes on me immediately I opened the door.
I was going to react rashly to him but as I set my eyes on him, all anger and furiousness flew away.
The warmth of his hug on my tummy killed it all!
I had really missed him.
As we walked to the creaky bed, he made way to quickly pack the litters of clothes off the bed so that I could sit down.
I was impressed.
“Welcome” I said again and he smiled as he pecked my lips softly.
Blood rushed into my face.
“I am sorry for everything” he said and my eyes widened.
If I could recollect well, that would be the second time in our entire fifteen years of marriage that he would use that magical word.
…and it really worked magic!
Things were changing!
I was glad!
He went on his knees as he held my hands firmly, looking into my pained eyes with such great penetration that I flinched
As he buried his face in my palms, I felt the moist- he was crying!
“I am sorry for ever causing you pains. Forgive me my lovely wife. Ogooluwa please” he cried on and my heart ached as tears ran down my face too.
I had with no doubt forgiven him!
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