
Monday 23 January 2017


[]Ekanem washes her hands in the sink and walks back to her table to join Kola.
“Are you okay? I was just about to come and look for you” , he says to her with a soft voice.
” I am okay. Sorry I spent more time than expected”, she replies.

They discuss for a while and decide to leave the restaurant. He escorts Ekanem to her car .
“I had a great time. Can I have your number so that I can keep in touch with you?” , he says to her with a smile.
“Thanks for the meal”, she replies. They exchange numbers and say goodbye to each other
Ekanem enters her car. She quickly dials Toks line but it rings without a response.
Ekanem drives to the coffee shop to see Toks. She goes to the cashier to ask of him.
” I am sorry madam but he isn’t coming to work today”, he says to her .
“Okay !thanks” ,she replies .
She goes back into her car and dials Toks number again.
“Hello! It’s me Ekanem “she says to him when he picks.
” I know”, he replies .
There is silence .Ekanem wonders in her heart the right words to say to him.
“Did you call me to waste your call credit or to say something? ,he says to her .
“Can we meet. We need to talk!” , Ekanem replies .
“Talk about what Ekanem?.You have moved on already, so what’s there to talk about?” , he says to her.
“Why did you lie to me about who you are?” , Ekanem asks.
“Maybe if you had given me a few minutes when I came to your house, I would have explained everything to you”, Toks says to her.
As she is about to reply his last statement, Ekanem hears a female voice say to Toks in the background “can we continue from where we stopped” in a joking manner.
Toks laughs and says hurriedly “we shall continue this discussion later Ekanem. I am busy at the moment “.
He ends the call before she is able to reply him.
Ekanem sighs and says to herself ” what can be more important than us sorting out this important issue? .I can’t believe he has a girlfriend already. Why then was he so angry with me at the restaurant? .
As she is about to start the car ,Richard’s call comes in .
“Hi Ekanem! I have been trying to reach you? Are you at home? “,he says to her.
Hi dear, I am not at home at the moment, she replies.
“Really ! When you weren’t picking up my calls, I decided to go and check on you at your house. I am currently in front of your door”, he says to her.
“Okay! Chichi is at home anyway, just ring the door bell and go inside.I need to pick up groceries from the supermarket before going home “, Ekanem replies.
The door bell rings and Chichi looks through the glass peep hole to see who it is. She sees Richard and smiles excitedly.She quickly opens the door and says” hi Richie! “.
“Hi Chichi.How are you doing? . Can I come inside?” , he replies .
” I am doing great. Please come inside” , she says to him.
As she offers him a seat, she says to him”Ekanem isn’t at home at the moment “.
” I am aware of that .She asked me to wait for her in the house ” , he replies.
“Okay, please make yourself comfortable”, Chichi says to him with a smile.
The door bell rings and Chichi looks through the glass peep hole to see who it is. She sees Richard and smiles excitedly.She quickly opens the door and says” hi Richie! “.
“Hi Chichi.How are you doing? . Can I come inside?” , he replies .
” I am doing great. Please come inside” , she says to him.
As she offers him a seat, she says to him”Ekanem isn’t at home at the moment “.
” I am aware of that .She asked me to wait for her in the house ” , he replies.
“Okay, please make yourself comfortable”, Chichi says to him with a smile.
Richard sits on the sofa and watches the television while he waits for Ekanem to arrive.
Chichi sits on one of the dining seats watching the television .She frequently goes into the kitchen to check the meal being prepared by her in the kitchen.
The aroma of the meal fills the sitting room where Richard is.He smiles as he says to Chichi in a joking manner “what are you preparing in the kitchen?.I am salivating already !.
Chichi laughs and replies “don’t worry the food is for all of us .I hope you won’t leave immediately Ekanem arrives? “.
“With what my nostrils have inhaled, I will definitely be patient” he says to her with a smile.
In less than 10 minutes, Chichi places a tray infront of him. Richard smiles as he sees the two bowls in front of him containing white /plain rice and palm nut stew rich in goat meat plus dry fish.
“All these for me?” Richard exclaims in excitement.
Chichi brings her portion from the kitchen in a small plate and eats with him in the living room.
“This is so delicious”, he says to Chichi as he devours his meal.
“Thank you “,she replies with a smile.
They finish their meal and Chichi clears the plates.As they discuss about work, Ekanem arrives.
” I am so sorry for keeping you waiting Richie. I had to pick up some groceries”, she says to Richard.
Welcome Eky! ,Chichi says to her with a smile.
“Babe thanks for keeping him company” Ekanem says to Chichi.
“You are welcome”, she replies as she walks to her room.
Ekanem and Richard spend some time in the living room discussing various subject areas until Ekanem indicates her desire to go to bed.
As Richard gets up to leave Ekanem’s house , he says to her “please tell Chichi that I am leaving”.
Ekanem yells her name and Chichi comes to the living room.
“Madam why are you screaming my name? “, Chichi asks with a straight face.
“Richard is leaving” , Ekanem replies .
“It was nice having you around”, Chichi says with a smile as Richard looks in her direction.
“Thank you Chichi .Goodnight dear ” , Richard replies with a smile.
Ekanem escorts him to his car and they say goodbye to each other.
Ekanem freshens up and lies down on her bed.Her thoughts go to Toks. I wonder what he is doing now, she wonders in her heart .
She dials his number and says hi to him when he picks.
“Hi Ekanem! ” , he replies.
“Can we talk now ?” ,Ekanem asks with a soft voice .
” I am still busy. I will call you when I am ready”, he replies hurriedly .
“I don’t understand you nowadays .You are always too busy to talk to me. Is everything okay between us ?.Are you still upset because of that guy you saw me with earlier?”, she says to Toks.
Toks remains silent.
“Hello! Are you there?” ,Ekanem says to him.
” I am here but it’s really not a good time to discuss and frankly speaking, the last thing I want to do right now is discuss seeing you with another man”, he replies.
“Okay, I guess it’s obvious that you are no longer interested in this relationship or whatever you want to call it.I will never beg to be loved “,she says with a loud voice .
“I will talk to you later Ekanem , there is no need for all this drama”, he replies and ends the conversation.
[]Ekanem is surprised when she realises that the call has ended. She manages to sleep that night despite the emotional turmoil she was in.
Ekanem wakes up the following morning feeling refreshed. As she prepares for work, she gets a call from Chioma.
“Babe how are you doing? “,Chioma says.
” I am fine .How are the preparations for the wedding going?” , Ekanem replies.
“Why didn’t you call me after hanging out with Kola? ” ,Chioma asks.
“I was so busy dear “, Ekanem replies.
“Well since I didn’t hear from you, I had to call after all the good things Kola said about you ” ,Chioma says excitedly.
“What did he say about me? “,Ekanem says to Chioma .
“He is so mesmerised by your beauty and wit. He said that he will definitely keep in touch with you”, Chioma replies.
“Okay!” ,Ekanem says to her.
“Is that all you have to say? , didn’t you like anything about him?.Atleast we all know that he is very handsome”, Chioma says to Ekanem.
“He is indeed an eye turner. Very good looking although he seems a bit loud mouthed “, Ekanem replies.
“What do you mean by loud mouthed Ekanem?. Maybe he speaks the way other young self made multi millionaires speak. Don’t mistake self confidence for pride dear.Anyway expect many more dates”, she says to Ekanem excitedly.
The conversation ends shortly afterwards. She quickly puts on her clothes and goes to work.
Ekanem’s last lecture ends at noon.She decides to go to the coffee shop on her way back from work .
“I hope that I will be able to see Toks and finally get this issue behind me ” ,she says to herself.
Ekanem parks her car in front of the café and enters inside. She goes to the counter to ask the cashier for Toks.
“He will be back shortly madam, do you want something to drink?” , the cashier asks.
“Can I have a cup of cappuccino and a sandwich?” , she replies .
Ekanem finds a seat close to the window. As she waits for her snack to be served, she dials Toks number.
Tok’s line rings several times but he doesn’t pick up his calls. As she starts eating her snacks, she sees Toks coming out from a car.
She also sees a lady coming out from the passenger’s seat. They both enter the café laughing.
Ekanem watches him as he places his phone on the work counter. The lady who accompanied him into the café sits on the high chair opposite him.
“Let me try his number one last time”, she says to herself as she picks up her phone from the table.
Ekanem dials Toks’s number. Ekanem looks at him as he picks up his phone from the counter and places it back on the table after looking at who the caller was.
Ekanem quickly leaves the café in a clandestine manner. As Ekanem enters her car, she gets a text alert from Toks “I am still busy. I will call you later “.
Ekanem sighs and drives off to her house.
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