Captain Madison met Jeff, Diana and Arlene with a slight tip of his hat and a formal, “Good morning Miss. Happy sixteenth birthday.”
Arlene, giggling, replied sweetly, “Thank you, Captain.”
Only after speaking to Arlene did he acknowledge Jeff and Diana, but he had obviously made a hit with Arlene.
“We’ll have to refuel when we get there. So, my guesstimate is about one, but that could vary. Shall I call you when we take off from Georgia? I can give you a more accurate time on our return then.”
“That would be great,” Jeff said. “You do have my cell number?”
“Yes, Sir. I have your card with all your numbers.”
“Could I speak to you in private for a moment, Captain?”
When they had walked off for a few steps, Jeff turned to Madison. “There’s going to be four teenage girls on that plane, and believe me, they can get plenty loud. I don’t think you will have any problem with them, other than being noisy. I want you to know, though, that you have my full permission to make them behave. I don’t want you having to listen to full-bore hard rock all the way. Don’t let them abuse you.”
Madison laughed, “I have a teenage daughter. And although I appreciate what you are saying, I will be willing to bet they will all act like ladies. The copilot and I, as well as the flight attendant, have noise canceling earphones that will cut out anything that gets too loud for us. I don’t think we will have a problem, but thanks anyway.”
Jeff shook his hand, and a moment later, Captain Madison held out his arm for Arlene to take to walk up the steps and board the plane. She forgot to hug her mom and dad good-bye.
Jeff and Diana went back inside and watched until the jet was airborne, its lights flashing in the darkness.
“I guess our daughter is growing up,” Diana said, holding back tears.
Jeff’s gruff, “No shit,” didn’t fool Diana one bit.
As they walked back to the SUV, Diana asked, “What do we do? Drive home and back at one? That will take four hours just to do that.”
“No. First thing is to get something to eat, kill some time, then go car shopping.”
“Car shopping? We have a brand new SUV,” she said, motioning to the Escalade, “and two other cars at home.”
“Yeah, I know, but mine is ten years old and yours is eight. I know where they can find a good home, and we definitely need another vehicle, particularly when Arlene starts to school. And can you imagine how much luggage those three girls will bring with them? Six people, plus all that luggage is going to be an iffy thing, even in the Escalade.”
“Jeff, it’s got to have four-wheel drive. I’m not driving up that mountain in snow in a vehicle that doesn’t have it, just like the Escalade.” Looking at him she asked, “What was that about our old cars going to a good home?”
“Well, if we tried to sell them, we wouldn’t get anything much for them, so I thought Fred could use one for his business. An older nondescript car should come in handy for a detective. The other one, I would like to give to our druggist friend, if he wants it. If you agree?”
“I can’t believe we’re talking about giving our cars away. Just a few days ago, I was worrying about how much longer mine was going to last, and where we would get the money to buy a new one. I can’t believe this has happened to us.”
“Well, we could always go back to the old house,” Jeff teased.
Diana grinned at him. “No chance. That’s a monstrosity we’re living in, but it’s a beautiful monstrosity. Let’s get something to eat. What kind of car were you thinking about?”
As Arlene stepped on the plane, she was met with streamers, whistles and balloons. They sang an off-key, happy birthday to her amidst laughter and a hug from Kathy, the flight attendant. There was a beautifully decorated box from Mr. Wainwright that had a note to wait and open at her party. Not long after the seat belt light went off, however, she was sound asleep. Kathy was soon asleep in her seat, as well. The copilot leaned his seat back and did the same, while he could.
A few hours later, Kathy woke Arlene, suggesting that she freshen up before they started their descent. They touched down a little after seven thirty, but all the girls were already there waiting.
The girls and their parents got the royal treatment from the flight crew while the luggage was loaded. Two of the parents were concerned that their daughters had brought too much luggage, but Captain Madison assured them they had plenty of room.
Kisses and hugs later, the parents were back in the terminal and the girls were ushered up the steps together. As they were seated, the flight attendant went over the safety rules with them. Two of them had not flown before, leaving Melissa to be the pro. Kathy had just finished explaining everything when Arlene stepped out of the cockpit and said “Hi, guys,” with all the nonchalance she could muster.
Captain Madison, who had remained at the doorway waiting for Arlene to make her grand entrance, thought he might well be using the earphones, after all. The little redhead had hit a note when she screamed that had literally made his right ear ring. Then again, he mused, he could put up with a little racket for the abundance of eye candy on this trip. The girls were all sixteen or seventeen he guessed, but they were definitely young women, too.
The redhead that had screamed such a high note was the shortest of the four, about five two, but like the others, she was stacked. She had shoulder length red hair with a blend of auburn. Her breasts were high and round; her face, as well as that of every girl on the plane, was very pretty. If he remembered correctly, her name was Ann.
The other two girls were within an inch or two of Arlene’s five foot four, he guessed. All three could have worn each other’s clothes in a pinch, and if they were anything like his own daughter, they probably did. Although there were variations that he could even notice through their tops, which were cut conservatively, their breasts were, like Ann’s, set high on their chests. Arlene’s breasts seemed to be more pointed than the others, and from time to time, he got a glimpse of her nipples. Now that he took particular notice, the excitement had caused other nipples to pop, also. He tried not to look, or at least to not be caught looking.
Arlene and Melissa were brunettes, with a mane of hair to their waists. Arlene had hers done in dog ears that made him want to grab hold of when she passed, but he refrained and hid behind his professional air.
Jennie was a dirty blond that looked entirely natural, and entirely beautiful. Her face was as exquisite as the others, although her breasts were slightly smaller. Her smaller breasts fit her smaller frame just fine, however.
“Okay, ladies, time to belt up. Looks like our fuel is on board and our copilot has just given me the high sign. Ready to go to Boulder?”
That brought him a round of cheers, accompanied by party whistles, and giggling.
Kathy winked at him as he walked by. “Going to visit with us some during the flight?”
“You’re damn right,” he conceded. “Oakland got some shut eye on the way down, and he’s going to get some flight hours in on the way back.”
Kathy glanced at the front of his pants. No tent. He had more willpower than she had given him credit for. “Come visit with us, when you can, Captain. Let the copilot get some flight time,” she said, loud enough for the girls to hear. He thanked her with his eyes. Oh, well, he was a truly nice guy, and any man not stone dead would appreciate this flight. The captain would have probably been back anyway, but this would give him a plausible excuse. Now, if she could just get him to look at her the way he did this bunch of girls...
The girls all became quiet when they accelerated down the runway. Kathy grinned as they climbed out and banked to their heading. Madison, you are not in that Tomcat anymore. You are going to impress them a little too much and someone will puke or wet her pants. But that was the only thing he did. Maybe he was not trying to impress anyone. Maybe he had to avoid something or was obeying the tower’s instructions. He sure as heck got their attention, though. She still wondered at the sudden hard turn.
The seat belt light went off. The rest of the flight was as smooth as glass, the engines barely audible. The girls played video games, giggled and played rock music. They eventually went into a whispering huddle, occasionally interspersed with a giggle cut off by its owner clamping a hand over her mouth. I would surely like to hear their conversation, Kathy thought. I would be willing to bet it is about boys or sex. But they are one and the same, aren’t they?
After they had been airborne for an hour or so, Captain Madison came back. He told jokes for ten minutes, nonstop, then got the girls talking about themselves. After a while, he told them about his fifteen-year-old daughter. As he walked by Kathy, he squeezed her shoulder and quietly said, “Thanks.”
She grinned back and replied, “Anytime.” The word had a double meaning, and he knew it, but he had never gotten out of line with her, or anyone, that she had ever seen. His wife had a jewel there. If she ever divorced him, she (Kathy) would be there to console him. In a heartbeat.
Captain Madison gave Jeff a mock salute and a smile as the girls piled out of the plane and came running over. A few minutes later, they were rolling out of Boulder. Ann had asked to ride with Jeff in the new Expedition.
Cell phone reception around the mountains was spotty. About halfway back, Jeff saw a cell tower and dialed Diana’s number. Looking in his mirror, he could see Arlene answer. “Do you want to stop and get something to drink, or something to eat?” Ann had told him they had eaten on the plane, but he would not have been amazed if they all wanted to eat again. After all, they were teenagers. If they had been boys, he knew damn well they would have.
“Hang on, Daddy.” After a minute, Arlene said, “We’re not hungry, Daddy, but we would like something to drink.”
“How about the drive-in we used the other day?”
“Mom said that would be great.”
None of them were hungry, but they all had a large ice cream, anyway. Jeff, laughing, pulled onto the highway with the other Escalade following.
“You’re in a good mood, Mr. Matthews,” Ann said, eyeing him, a smile on her face.
He thought for a moment. “I guess I am, at that. Well, my pretty daughter is sixteen today. I came into some money. I don’t have to work anymore, unless I want to. Some stress has been lifted that I have been under for the last couple of years, and yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just really happy.”
“Arlene is lucky.”
“How is that?”
“Well, she has both parents. I never knew my dad. Well, you know that. My mom works very hard and is gone a lot. I, pretty much, take care of the house, and have for years.”
“I know about being gone a lot. You and Arlene have been friends about your whole life. You know how much I’ve traveled the last two years.”
“Yeah, but Mom has job problems, or is afraid she is going to have.”
Jeff glanced at her, then back at the road. “What kind of job problems?”
Ann sighed. “So far, it’s just rumor. But her company has been bought out by some big, what’s the word ... conglomerate, Mom calls them, and they’re talking about downsizing. Well, as you know, she’s a great programmer. She got several promotions, and she’s been a systems analyst for about a year now, but I can tell she is worried.”
Jeff glanced back at her, worried as well. “I haven’t seen Laura in several months, I guess. I’ve been gone so much. I didn’t know anything about the job problem. I thought you two were doing much better since her promotion.” Jeff didn’t know what else to say, so he tried to steer the conversation onto safer ground. “You haven’t been to the Rockies, have you?” he asked, knowing the answer.
“No, Sir. We go to the beach for a week every couple of years, as you know, since Arlene usually goes with us. But we’ve never been out here. I bet Mom would love it.”
“How about forgetting the ‘Sir’. I had rather you, and everyone else just call me Jeff. I thought we had gotten over the ‘Sir’ a while back. Just because we haven’t seen each other in a while, doesn’t mean we should get formal,” he teased.
Ann blushed a little, and nodded, as Jeff continued, “I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t like the Rockies. They are certainly a drastic change from the city. Atlanta, Houston, New York, all the big cities have their own charm, but so does the Rockies. Oh, they have the obvious things, the grandeur, the majesty, all that, but there is another thing about living out here. I’ll show you one night soon. It is so unbelievably quiet. You can go outside, and when the wind is blowing from the right direction, hear a truck, or a car horn from miles away. I heard an eighteen-wheeler the other night that I swear had to be at least ten miles away. That’s the nearest road big enough for one to travel on.”
Ann started talking about school, and the things she liked, prattling on until they started the switchbacks. She looked down, and became very quiet. When he could, Jeff looked in the mirror and saw his wife grinning from ear to ear. Now a mountain woman of three whole weeks, she was enjoying the scared-shitless teenagers in the car with her.
When they got home, Jeff began unloading the vehicles. The girls stood around staring at the conference center/retreat, stunned.
Somebody kept saying, “This can’t be a house. This can’t be a house,” until Jeff loudly cleared his throat and looked meaningfully at the pile of bags. Suddenly, there was a line of girls taking the bags as he handed them out. As soon as they got inside with their load, they came running out to get another bag. Amazingly enough, each girl only had two bags (although the bags were pretty large), and a makeup case, plus a few odds and ends, and, of course, a present each. Everything was in the house in minutes. Sorting out which girl had which suite took longer, but Jeff was making coffee by then and listening to the calls and giggles from a bunch of friends reunited.
“They’re something, aren’t they,” Diana came to say, smiling.
“I know I haven’t seen them very much in the last year, and seldom all together, but...”
“Down, boy. I know what you’re thinking.” Then whispering, “You’re thinking about Melissa’s and Jennie’s fathers fucking them. You dirty old man,” she accused, laughing.
“I’m not old,” he said, swatting her on the ass.
“Behave, Mister. We have houseguests for the next two weeks. The only pussy you’re going to get is from this old woman.”
“Thirty is knocking on your door, isn’t it?” he teased. “And why? Can’t Arlene sneak into our room now and then?”
Jeff leaned against the counter as Diana put down cups, and poured coffee. Stirring in creamer and sweetener, she looked at her husband. “Seriously, Jeff,” she said blowing on her drink, “we can’t do anything like that while they’re here. I can just imagine Arlene letting out with one of her screams, and the girls hearing it. How would you explain that?”
“I like the way your lips purse when you blow on that coffee. It reminds me of things.”
“Jeff Matthews, those girls have got you stirred up,” she said, glancing at his pants. “At least you don’t have a hard-on.”
“Yeah, but you don’t know how hard it is not to have one,” he said, chuckling at his choice of words.
“Seriously, you’re the one that was cautioning Arlene that you could get into big trouble if word ever got out.”
“Diana, do you really think that, at least, Melissa and Jennie haven’t heard all about it. I’m probably Long Dick Malone by now, at least according to Arlene.”
“Who is Long Dick Malone?” Diana said, trying to suppress a giggle.
“Hell, I don’t know. I just made him up,” Jeff responded, laughing.
“Well, Mr. Malone,” Diana said, kissing him lightly on the lips, “I had better not catch you with an erection around those girls. Not if you want some of this ol’ girl. If you get a hard-on, it better be over me,” she finished, not laughing at all.
She’s about to get her ass on her shoulders, again. And I’m getting a little pissed myself. How would Jack handle this? Oh, yes. He waited until Diana put her cup on the counter, then putting his down, said, “I guess you’re right. It wouldn’t be right for me to get an erection after getting nonstop stimulation from two beautiful women for a whole week straight. I must have had more sex from you during the last week than I have had in the last year. Now why in the world would I get excited?”
He could see Diana’s face flush. She was really getting pissed. Now the Jack approach. If she keeps fucking with me, I’m going to start telling her it’s the Jack approach. Just as she started a retort, he pushed her up against the counter, grabbed the back of her neck, and kissed her – soul kissed her. She tried to push away, but he tightened his hold on her neck and pressed against her. That really pissed her off. She squirmed and tried to talk into his mouth. He got a hand under her short skirt and yanked her panties down enough to get to her pussy. She tried to buck, but he pressed her back against the counter with his body.
That’s the Jack approach, Babe, he thought. You came for Jack and even passed out. You’re not going to be the hot little wife for a few days and then go back to being the bitch who doesn’t allow it to be rough.
He turned her neck loose and slipped his hand under her top. She jerked her mouth from his and hissed out, “Stop this. One of those girls could walk in any minute. Do you want them to see us?”
“Oh, I imagine they have caught their mom and dad playing before. Two of them have been playing with their dad, anyway.”
While he was talking, he got her front-catch bra unsnapped, and grabbed a nipple. He also found her hole and was trying to insert a finger, but she wasn’t wet, and he wasn’t having much luck.
“Jeff, stop this right now.”
“Oh, you only get hot when Jack manhandles you? Is that it?” he said, not about to back down, now.
Her face lost all color in a second, and she tried to slap him, but he was too close for her to hit him with any real force. He jammed his finger in, curling it for her G-spot, rotating and tugging on her nipple at the same time. Seeking out her clit with his thumb, he proceeded to finger fuck her. He got her wedged against the counter and added sucking and kissing her neck to the titillation.
He went at her for several minutes. By damn, she will either respond to me, or we are going to have some serious problems – not to say anything about the giant hickey she’s going to have on her neck. She’s not going to start being Miss Chaste after what I’ve seen her do with that scumbag. He could see tears start in her eyes. But she was not going back to their old ways.
Diana looked at her husband. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. But, somehow, I’ve pushed the wrong buttons. I guess his ego is still fragile, after all. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this mad. But if I don’t respond to him, he will be right. Jack could please me whether I wanted it or not. So why can’t my husband? I was scared of Jack, but I’m not scared of my husband. But I was scared of his leaving me a week ago. Has that changed? By the look on his face, it hasn’t? Oh, Shit. He’s not doing a damn thing to me that Jack didn’t do, and I came all over myself. Suddenly, she was coming. She bucked against his hand and wiggled her ass. He stripped her nipple so hard she almost screamed, but she came again.
She heard his pants hit the floor, felt him jerk her panties down and off one foot, felt his knees forcing her thighs apart. Abruptly, his finger was replaced by his cock, which he proceeded to ram upward into her. He pushed her back against the counter and rammed upward again, her high heels scrabbling for purchase on the slick tile floor. He let go of her breast, yanked her top up, and rammed again.
“Oh, shit, Jeff, that hurts,” she admonished. He pulled almost out and slammed into her even harder, slamming against her cervix with the head of his cock. She grunted and bit her lip, knowing better than to whine again. The next time he slammed into her, she came so hard she almost blacked out. Her long breasts were bouncing and shaking, the front of his shirt already covered with her milk. He gave her a few short, fast strokes, then rammed in and held. He had a perfect alignment with her womb. She felt the warmth go inside it as his cock repeatedly pulsed. She came again, going higher and higher until one orgasm blended into another and the world grayed out. She slumped against her husband and mumbled, “I love you,” as he shivered out the last of his sperm.
Diana looked toward the door and caught Ann’s eye for an instant before she eased the door closed. “Oh, shit,” Diana managed to say.
“Is that all you have to say, just, ‘Oh shit’?”
“We had an audience,” she managed to get out as her orgasm faded, and her breath came back.
“Didn’t Arlene say that she was still a virgin?”
“Virgin, or not, she got an eyeful that time,” Diana said, frowning. “Oh, I need to talk to her. This could really upset her.”
Jeff pulled out and grabbed a dishtowel which she clapped to her drooling pussy. She wiped up and handed him the towel. As she pulled her panties back on, “I’ll be back in a bit. I’m going to see if I can do some fence mending.”
Diana found Ann in the living room with the other girls. Trying to act as if nothing had happened, hoping Jeff hadn’t made a hickey on her neck, Diana asked if everyone had found a suite and gotten their bags put there. When they all said they had, she continued, “Okay. Let’s take a little break. You can explore the house and grounds. By the way, Arlene, don’t forget to tell them about the bears.”
“Bears!“ everyone but Arlene squealed in unison.
Arlene just grinned. “I’ll tell them, Mom.”
“Okay. Everyone have fun for thirty minutes or so, then we will meet back here and start decorating for the party.”
As they started out, led by Arlene, Diana pulled Ann aside. “Sorry about that in the kitchen. Later today, I would like to apologize and talk to you about some things.”
“Mrs. Matthews, you don’t have to apologize. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I know Arlene told you I’m still a virgin, and my friends are not. But that doesn’t mean that I’m a dumb little kid.” She blushed prettily, but continued, “Besides, I thought you looked sexy as everything. I wish I were as pretty as you.” She took off down the hall after the rest of the girls, leaving Diana standing there wondering what had just happened.
Jeff had all the noise he could take for one evening. Even with noisemakers, whistles, and rock music, he was amazed that four girls could make thatmuch racket. A shriek cut the air like a knife, accompanied by giggles and laughter. Well, there was no doubt they were having a good time.
Diana looked at him with that all-knowing glance. Caught again, looking at the bouncing titties. He didn’t think he had ever seen as much jiggling, and even he came to realize that it was not all accidental. They were doing, at least some of it, so that he would notice them. He didn’t mind a bit, but he could not stand the racket anymore. Picking up his glass, he left the room and walked down the hall on the way to the back deck. A good breath of cold air and he would turn in early.
He had just leaned against the railing, looking up at the stars, when the sliding door opened and Diana stepped out.
“Noise get to you, too?” he asked her.
“They are loud, but I just thought I would tell you that I spoke with Ann for a minute after I left the kitchen.”
“Was she that upset?”
“That’s just the thing. She didn’t seem to be upset about what we were doing...” She hesitated for a moment, “But she told me that I looked sexy, and she wished she were as pretty as I was. That just wasn’t what I expected her to say.”
“How did you respond?”
“I didn’t. Before I could, she ran off down the hall after the others.”
“Well, at least she didn’t run crying to her room.”
“Jeff, I know that four teenage girls, particularly these girls, are a distraction for you, but seriously, you have got to cool it while they are here. No telling what Ann will say to Laura.”
“Who cares? Besides, Laura is your best friend. I was fucking my wife, and you were coming like a freight train. Too bad some shithead has to show me what turns my wife on,” he added, in a different voice.
“Look, Honey, just because I came, it doesn’t mean that I particularly like it like that. We need to make love in the bedroom while the girls are here, and...”
“Diana, just stop the shit. I made love to you for years. Every time I got a little too aggressive, you would rein me in. You don’t respect a man who makes love to you. Oh, you think that’s what you want, but your orgasms tell the tale. Throughout our marriage, your one orgasm per love session was little more than a whimper as you came. When Jack fucked you, you had more orgasms than I could count, because they ran together into one continuous come.”
“Look, you only saw Jack fuck me once. You act as if you saw things that never happened.”
Jeff’s face flushed with anger, and he said through gritted teeth, “Don’t be too sure of that. Turns out that Arnie thought I knew more than I actually did. When we went over to his house to get his hard disk, he gave me the three videos that he recorded of you and Arlene fucking Jack. Arnie isn’t as dumb as he looks; he took some great vids.
“I watched Jack lick your pussy until you passed out. And I watched you stick your ass up in the air so he could fuck your cunt. You came so damn hard that you fainted that time, too. When you sucked his cock, you acted like you were starving to death for a swallow of sperm. And you cleaned his dick off, time and again, without even being asked. When he was dog fucking you, you turned your head to give him a profile of your face with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth like a bar whore. You were doing a fine cowgirl imitation a couple of times. Shall I go on? If I had seen those videos before I kicked his ass, I might have handled things differently.” next for new episode or previous for older postWHY LEAVE WITHOUT A COMMENT PLEASE DROP ONE...
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